we've lived here now for 4 years and a lot has happened in this time, the house has so many great memories. {click on the links to see these memories}:
i remember how excited (and exhausted) we were when we first moved in; we couldn't wait to live in this old house; we had our first bbq (braai) when we lived here for only a week; i had fun decorating the house and making it feel more like a home;

we planned & made all the things for our wedding;

found out we were pregnant; got riley's room ready; riley's birth and coming home from the hospital; riley's first halloween; got riley ready for his first wedding; after our 6 month visit in south africa, nina came to visit; riley's first birthday; wayne's first father's day; where riley lived for his first 2 years of his life & all the milestones he achieved.
looking at all these photos and remembering everything that happened in these past 4 years; i am going to miss this house so much!
like i said (in the title) change is always a good thing, so i am super excited to see what is next in store for us!!