37 weeks
over the weekend we painted ducky's nursery and got him his last big furniture to make his nursery his special little place. (i will put some photos of wayne painting & the before of the room on here tomorrow). we are almost done ordering all of the last minute things we need so we are getting so ready and super excited (and also a little nervous) for this little man to come now.
I am busy washing all his little blankies and his tiny clothes. it is so cute to see those little thingies hanging on the drying rack. the only problem i have is that it is taking a bit longer to dry because it's been raining here since the weekend and it doesn't look like it's going to clear up very soon.
how far along? 37 weeks
maternity clothes? nothing, yay me!!
sleep? a bit better than last week. the hay fever season hast been to kind to Wayne so far, so he struggles with a block nose at night. (he can sleep because the hay fever tablets make him very sleepy but the block nose keep me awake).
best moment this week? to see him on the scan on friday & hear that he is a happy and healthy little boy (with a big head - he got that from his daddy). i was also super happy to find out that he is still a boy and that the technician didn't make a mistake the first time around (he even showed us his little tools).
miss anything? nothing really.
movement? all the time!! he has BOTH feet now on either sides of my ribs and LOVES to jive around when it's time for his mommy to sleep.
food cravings? gherkins & cheese
anything making you queasy or sick? nothing for this week.
ducky's size? 49cm from head to heel.
ducky's weight? 3.18kg (according to the scan)
size of bump? 36cm
interesting facts about ducky? ♥ ducky is now considered to be full term. ♥ many babies now have a full head of hair, with locks up to 3.5cm long. ♥ antibodies continue to transfer through the placenta to improve the immune system of ducky.
what Ducky is currently doing? ♥ he is busy moving his head down into my pelvis (that’s the reason for me wanting to pee all the time). ♥ ducky is simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking on his thumb, blinking and pivoting from side to side. (He is practicing all these new skills for his next gig - being a newborn. ♥ he adores his daddy & can't wait for him to touch his mommy's tummy. ducky gives his daddy then a BIG hello by kicking & squirming around.
labour signs? nope
belly button in or out? in
wedding rings or or off? on
happy or moody? super happy and excited to meet this little man!
looking forward to? finishing off his room.
what mommy is feeling? ♥ i’m feeling more tired now and love my afternoon power nap. ♥ my body gets tired quicker than normal now, i can't sit still for too long or can't stand for too long. ♥ it's also getting more difficult to put on things like socks or even get up from the sofa. ♥ luckily i have now swollen feet or hands and i think the rainy & cool london weather is helping for that.